Dramatic Art

About Drama:

            Drama presents facts or fiction in a form that could be acted/performed before an audience. Its full qualities are only revealed in representation on the stage. The Drama is considered to be composite art. In which the author actor and the stage manager all combined to produce the total effects.
             A Drama is expected to deliver its whole massage within a few hours and therefore it has to exercise great economy in the handing of the plot and delineation of character. So all unnecessary and superfluous details must be omitted.
         The Dramatist has to work with a number of collaborators. Like the audience, the actors, the producer, the scene-painter, the dress maker, the musician, the electrician and many other. He has to considered costs and mechanical and physical limitation in drama. The dramatist does not adreesed his audience directly he speaks through his characters.
The Structure of Play
              All drama deals with a problem or a conflict. In tragedy the theme is dark and serious whereas in comedy it is light and gay with happy ending. As for the structure there has to be exposition to explain the circumstances or situation from which the action is to take place.

A Climax : When it text s turn for the better or worse.

A Denouement : A Denouement known as the falling action which unravels the complication.

A Solution : A Solution for comedy and catastrophe for tragedy.
             The typical Elizabethan Drama was divided in to five acts, each comprising a number of scenes. The stage was simple used as a platform. The scenes followed in quick succession. The five act poetic drama went out favor in course of time. Modern dramatist consider three acts to be sufficient. If the play was little too short one-act piece of a light nature was performed has a " Curtain Raiser". changing social and economic conditions caused performance to be shorter, and in the English theater of today the programmer is usually limited to a single play lasting less than three hour.

Realism and Romance :
            Drama is a representation of life all art is directly colored by the artist personality. Drama does not promise to be entirely faithful to fact. It is a portrait a version not a reproduction in other words it is dramatists criticism of life. A great play is the production of imagination, working upon experience, an observation, whatever the theme may be.

            Principle of realism in drama is to hold as it were the mirror up to nature. Realism tends to fade with the condition. It represents because it is true to them only the Romantic drama deals with what is common to all times modern realistic drama, has produced many works that achieved great success in their own day. Yet, when type they have been revived after a period of only twenty years. they have seemed merely, dull and outmoded.              



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