What is Humanism?

            The Renaissance scholars called Humanists, revived the forgotten Greek and Roman authors and their manuscripts and widely disseminated their ideas, materials literary forms and styles over Europe. This movement is called Humanism.

            Humanism is a way of looking at our world which emphasis the importance of human beings, their nature and their place in the universe. There have been many verities of humanism, both religious and non religious. But all humanists agree that people are the center of their study. As the Latin writer Terence said more than two hindered years ago :

                        " I am a man and human is foreign to me."

            Humanism teaches that every person has dignity and worth and therefore they should command the respect of every other person. Although humanism has its roots in the life and thought of ancient Greece and Rome, it flourished as a historical movement in Europe from the 1300's to the 1500's. It's approach to the study of humanity formed the intellectual and cultural phenomena. The humanistic attitude towards life has continued to the present day.

The Development of Humanism :

            The Humanistic Movement in the early Renaissance began with the exciting rediscovery of the writings of the classical Greeks and Romans. These writings had either been unknown in Europe, since the decline of the Roman empire or they had been known in partial and form. The humanists were interested in ancient classics not only because they were models of literary style but also they were considered to be the guides of understanding the life.

            This understanding was in contrast to the emphasis of many medieval scholars who taught that life on earth should be despised. Such persons viewed human beings as sinful creatures who should devote their lives to trying to earn a place in heaven.

            Humanists rejected this view of the sinful nature of humanity. Their fresh way of looking at life during this revival of learning began in Italy in the 1300's and spread to France, Germany and England. At its height in 1500's humanism was an international fellowship of scholars.

Leading Humanists and their influence :

            Much of modern western culture comes from Humanistic achievements. The spirits and goals of humanism still influence the arts, education etc.

The Arts :

            Most early humanists were religious. But the main drift of their work led away from their ascetic teaching of the middle ages which urged the rejection of this world and its pleasures Humanistic literature is realistic, critical and often humorous.

Education :

            To the Renaissance humanists education means the training of the ideal gentleman or universal man, such a person was skilled in many fields of knowledge including Arts, Science, Sports and politics. Today humanistic education centers on the Humanistic, which include religion Philosophy, Languages literature, History and the Arts. Together these subjects have humanistic ideals at their center. They try to interpret the meaning of life neither than just prescribing the physical world of society.

Government :

            Humanism opposition to political tyranny in the late 1700's was an important influence on American and French revolution. Both the American declaration of the Rights of man, declared the dignity of humanity Benjamin Franklin, Jefferson and other American revolutionary leaders were among the leading humanists of their age.  


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